The complete integration with our inventory and accounting package makes the invoicing process seamless; no double entry. The service history now available to the technician allows them to communicate with the customer more knowledgably. This is a complete solution. It simplifies the inventory reorder process for my parts department, streamlines invoicing for my accounting staff, and allows me to manage the business with robust reporting features.
James Leach Jr.Leach Food Equipment
Biggest impact is how much quicker our invoicing is going out to the customers which helps cash flow. The techs have so much more service history at their finger tips without having to call into the office and getting someone else involved. I’ve had comments from several customers recognizing that we are investing in technology to help improve service.
John GlossonGlosson Food Equipment
The SERVTRAC Mobile software deployed on technician computers with electronic service reporting and parts ordering has substantially improved technician productivity. We have totally eliminated paper documents associated with service delivery. Technicians are very pleased with access to technical information and service history from the field.
Dennis StarrStarr Equipment Company
SERVTRAC has been a tremendous tool for Bach Bros in helping us streamline our dispatch and technician workload. The value to us in shortening the lag time between job completion and invoicing alone has made this a worthwhile investment for us.
Peter BachBach Bros Hobart
We have been an AMTECH customer since 1989. SERVTRAC Mobile is the latest generation product. We appreciate that AMTECH continues to update their products and services for their customers. We feel that we have been able to keep pace with technology without having to change vendors every few years.